To The Woman Who Lost Her Children That Day
(The Coil Magazine - Publication Forthcoming)
“Just beyond your mangled car, upside down in the shaded stream bed, was a dump truck that had lost its brakes coming down the hill - ten black wheels still spinning in the air.”
Questioning The Silence
(Open: Journal of Arts & Letters - April 2019)
“As a little girl, I knew could trick the whole world when I closed my eyes. I would stay very still and the world - I was sure - thought I was sleeping. My long, black lashes covered the open slits through which I peeked, searching for whatever it was I wasn’t supposed to see. .”
To The Albanian Man Leading His Cows Across Traffic
(Apt Magazine - November 2018 - Nominated for Pushcart Prize)
“Reign of communist terror. Reign of civil war. Reign of brazen corruption. If it keeps on reigning, we might all get washed away.”
How Abolition and the Underground Railroad
Shaped the Communities of Northeastern Pennsylvania
(for The Center for Anti-Slavery Studies, Montrose PA)
Project Coordinator, Copy Writer, Exhibit & Book Co-Designer
The Story of Sullivan's March Across Pennsylvania
Before the Invasion of the Iroquois Homelands
(with The Luzerne County Historical Society & Luzerne County Visitors Bureau)
Project Manager, Co-Author, Guide Copy, Guide Design
(Personal Narrative)
"They pull up to the stoplight the way a small bird alights on a branch.”
Cover Copy: "Fifteen Stones"
(Back Cover of "Fifteen Stones" by Craig Czury)
“It is a magnetic web of words, woven from fish scales, seaweed, handlebars and tire treads, reaching across an ephemeral geography between coast lines and chalk lines."
Cafe Domenica, Utica NY
(Brief Review)
“...outsider art, insider photos, tangle of words, tangle of plants, hypnotic aroma of coffee, tantric displays of tea leaves...”
Make Ready The Magical Critters Ball
(In Memoriam - Barbara Remington)
"...finding ourselves in a buoyant, limitless plane of mischief, magic, and friendship.”
We're Still Here
(Poem for Korçë Poetry Festival, Korçë Albania)
"...an entire world feeding on the muffled cries of the once innocent.”
(Personal Reflection in midst of Natural Gas Fracking)
"Like gas flares, perhaps poems are best birthed in the dark...”